Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Lake House

The final chapter to the Lake House (not a literal chapter but a metaphorical chapter) the kids, Kit and Frannie face off against Dr. Kane and his Hospital. The Kids and the adults were captured by Dr. Kane and placed in the Hospital, Oz was killed while the other kids were being captured. Max was heart broken and swore to kill Dr. Kane. She then broke out and freed everybody then she killed Dr. Kane or so she thought. It really was his clone...

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Lake House

Surrounded on all sides, Frannie orders the kids in to the cellar and then does the one thing she could do. She lit all of her belongings on fire. The smoke created a smoke screen in which they were able to run in and get to her car unharmed. They then drove 300 miles to New Mexico and reunited with Kit. While in New Mexico Oz and Max fell in love (they aren't actually related so its not that bad.) One day while Kit and Frannie were gone, the Hunters reappeared. This time the kids and Kit fought off the hunters, but they knew more would come.

The Lake House

Life with their natural parents has been dreadful, but that is about to end. Dr. Kane is coming to capture the kids. One night he came to Max and Mathew's house with a group of men with guns. Max was aware of his arrival and when he tried to sneak into her room she surprised him and escaped with Mathew. Then she and Mathew went and gathered the rest of the Flock. They planned to reach Frannie's house and then go to the Lake House. They flew through Lyons. (WOOT) At Frannie's house the celebrated and were happy but the next morning the Hunters were surrounding the house. There was no escape.

The Lake House

The "Flock" is separated across Colorado. Each child is with their natural parents, only Mathew and Max and the twins Peter and Wendy are still living together. Oz, and Ic are on their own. None of the children like their parents or their schools. The find that their parents are good people but they just aren't suited for the job. The twins parents are even using them to make money but having them in commercials. At the schools the kids are being made fun of and harassed. Max knows something is coming, something worse than the School. She can't tell anybody though, "you talk, you die." She had more knowledge than any of the other children, she knew about another, even worse facility, than the school.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Lake House

In the trial Frannie and Kit stand little chance of getting custody. The parents were told their children died as kids and were unaware of their genetic alterations. Kit and Frannie only had the fact that they loved the kids and that the kids had seen them as their parents. The kids were also in constant danger because of the high price they were worth. In the long run though, Frannie and Kit lost custody but the judge said that if the kids were not fitting in well or having troubles adjusting then Frannie and Kit could have custody.

The Lake House

So far this book is based in modern times in Colorado. In the beginning there is a custody trial for the 6 children. Their parents versus Frannie and Kit, Frannie is a vet and kit is an FBI agent. They are the ones who saved the 6 children from a place called the School. The School was a high security prison in which the kids were forced to work and do tests. The fear of being put to sleep motivated Max and her brother Zach to escape. She was shot down and that is when Frannie and Kit found her and fixed her wing. She then led them to the School and they helped save the six kids and destroy the School.

The Lake House By James Patterson

The Lake House is about the 6 children who were genetically altered. The are faster, stronger, and smarter than many adults. They can also fly. Each of them have a set of wings, the largest has wings with a span of 9 feet. Their names are Max, Oz, Peter, Ic, Wendy, and Zach. Zach is the youngest, Wendy and Peter are twins. Ic is the 3rd oldest but he is also blind, Oz is the oldest male. Max is the oldest but not the biggest. Oz is the biggest, but Max is still the leader mostly because she is the smartest.