Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Lake House

The final chapter to the Lake House (not a literal chapter but a metaphorical chapter) the kids, Kit and Frannie face off against Dr. Kane and his Hospital. The Kids and the adults were captured by Dr. Kane and placed in the Hospital, Oz was killed while the other kids were being captured. Max was heart broken and swore to kill Dr. Kane. She then broke out and freed everybody then she killed Dr. Kane or so she thought. It really was his clone...

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Lake House

Surrounded on all sides, Frannie orders the kids in to the cellar and then does the one thing she could do. She lit all of her belongings on fire. The smoke created a smoke screen in which they were able to run in and get to her car unharmed. They then drove 300 miles to New Mexico and reunited with Kit. While in New Mexico Oz and Max fell in love (they aren't actually related so its not that bad.) One day while Kit and Frannie were gone, the Hunters reappeared. This time the kids and Kit fought off the hunters, but they knew more would come.

The Lake House

Life with their natural parents has been dreadful, but that is about to end. Dr. Kane is coming to capture the kids. One night he came to Max and Mathew's house with a group of men with guns. Max was aware of his arrival and when he tried to sneak into her room she surprised him and escaped with Mathew. Then she and Mathew went and gathered the rest of the Flock. They planned to reach Frannie's house and then go to the Lake House. They flew through Lyons. (WOOT) At Frannie's house the celebrated and were happy but the next morning the Hunters were surrounding the house. There was no escape.

The Lake House

The "Flock" is separated across Colorado. Each child is with their natural parents, only Mathew and Max and the twins Peter and Wendy are still living together. Oz, and Ic are on their own. None of the children like their parents or their schools. The find that their parents are good people but they just aren't suited for the job. The twins parents are even using them to make money but having them in commercials. At the schools the kids are being made fun of and harassed. Max knows something is coming, something worse than the School. She can't tell anybody though, "you talk, you die." She had more knowledge than any of the other children, she knew about another, even worse facility, than the school.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Lake House

In the trial Frannie and Kit stand little chance of getting custody. The parents were told their children died as kids and were unaware of their genetic alterations. Kit and Frannie only had the fact that they loved the kids and that the kids had seen them as their parents. The kids were also in constant danger because of the high price they were worth. In the long run though, Frannie and Kit lost custody but the judge said that if the kids were not fitting in well or having troubles adjusting then Frannie and Kit could have custody.

The Lake House

So far this book is based in modern times in Colorado. In the beginning there is a custody trial for the 6 children. Their parents versus Frannie and Kit, Frannie is a vet and kit is an FBI agent. They are the ones who saved the 6 children from a place called the School. The School was a high security prison in which the kids were forced to work and do tests. The fear of being put to sleep motivated Max and her brother Zach to escape. She was shot down and that is when Frannie and Kit found her and fixed her wing. She then led them to the School and they helped save the six kids and destroy the School.

The Lake House By James Patterson

The Lake House is about the 6 children who were genetically altered. The are faster, stronger, and smarter than many adults. They can also fly. Each of them have a set of wings, the largest has wings with a span of 9 feet. Their names are Max, Oz, Peter, Ic, Wendy, and Zach. Zach is the youngest, Wendy and Peter are twins. Ic is the 3rd oldest but he is also blind, Oz is the oldest male. Max is the oldest but not the biggest. Oz is the biggest, but Max is still the leader mostly because she is the smartest.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Michel Sullivan is slowly hunting down the Mafia, getting his revenge. He had a hit called on him and feels betrayed. He is breaking all of the families rules, he is going after the Don himself. The Butcher is going after mob members who are close to the Don or important to the Mob. When he finally does catch the Don he feeds him to the fish and takes "art pictures." Sullivan is a very smart character he is aware of Cross and Sampson trying to catch him is is able to evade them and many other police officers. After killing the Don will the mafia leave him alone or will he be hunted more vigorously?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Alex Cross and John Sampson are hot on the Butchers tail. They have discovered who the Butcher is and that he has been involved in many serial rapes and murders. His signature being mutilating the bodies with a scalpel. Alex and John are both taking this case very personally because it is their belief that The Butcher was the man who killed Alex's wife 10 years earlier. The Butcher is a very slippery criminal, in a week he was in the polices hands twice and both times he escaped, mostly because the police were unaware of who he was.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


What John to Alex would turn Alex's life upside down. John had heard from the mobster that he knew who and where the person was who killed Alex's wife 10 years ago. The case had never been closed and Alex had never really moved on. When Alex heard this he and John traveled immediately to the police station. once there it was obvious that something had happened. In his cell some home the mob boss had been killed. And ice pick had been stabbed into his eyes and into his head. This was a Mafia hit, see know evil was the message intended.


Can Alex ever escape his monsters? The day after he left the FBI he bought a car and spent time with his family. Everything seemed so pleasant and normal to him until John Sampson rang his doorbell at 3am. Nana Mama knew something was up and accused John of needing Alex's time. John's only response to her was that it was Alex who needed his help. John had just busted a local mob boss and had been interviewing him when he heard life changing news.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cross by James Patterson

Alex Cross has officially resigned from the FBI. Once Nana Mama walked out threatening to never come back he realized the strain put on the family. He no longer wants to risk his life and the future of his children. Since he is their only remaining parent. What made him realize all of this was the gun shot that skimmed his temple, this also provoked Nana Mama to walk out on Alex and her Great Grandchildren. Will Alex be able to leave the FBI and escape the monsters?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Cross By James Patterson

So far in Cross by James Patterson we have been reintroduced to the FBI agent Alex Cross. We have also been introduced to the killer known as the Butcher, and his companion/partner known as his guardian. The Butcher kills people with knives and scalpels with lightening fast speed and precision. In one scene he chops of a guys nose and ear in under a second. The Butcher works for a known and feared mobster, he is a very well known and feared killer himself. He is not only feared by gangsters but also by the Police. I am unsure whether or not this is a flashback in time for the Butcher as well as Alex Cross. Scenes with Alex in them so far have been talking about the past, before his wife was murdered.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Clarice Starling is on the hunt again for the deadly and disturbed Hannibal Lecture. She was lucky to stay in the FBI after the shooting, where she killed a drug dealer holding a baby. There was a meeting that was likely to end her career as an FBI agent, when a mysterious phone call interrupts the meeting. After the call the meeting was adjourned, Starling knows there was somebody pulling the strings. The call cane from a Senator who was confronted by none other than Mason. Mason, being a powerful man, was told that if Clarice was fired Hannibal would likely disappear. He had been on the hunt for Hannibal ever since encountering him, he was therefore inclined to save Agent Starling's job.


So Mason was in fact a victim of Dr. Hannibal Lecture. Though he was not eaten by him, what Hannibal did maybe even worse than that. Mason was showing Hannibal his house when Hannibal offered him a pain killer. The drug that mason took was not a pain killer, it was in fact acid, PCP, and other drugs. Lecture then told Mason he should cut off his own face with a shard from the mirror and feed it to the dogs. Mason did so, he also had his neck broken by a noose. Way way messed up, I'm not going to elaborate on this scene to much or why there was a noose, just know that its sick. Check it out if u want more details.

Monday, March 22, 2010


A new character has been introduced, Mason, was obviously a victim of some sort of accident. Was in Hannibal? Mason is a severely deformed character, the need for a respirator and a goggles that wet his eye for him. He is missing an eyelid, could Hannibal have been so merciless as to have eaten an eyelid? Gross. It is apparent that Mason has interest in Hannibal, he is also a very rich and powerful person. He apparently calls into the mayors office and orders a stop to the impending investigation of Clarice Starling. He is also aware of the letter Hannibal sent to Starling, he somehow found and read it. I believe that Mason plans to use Starling as bait to capture Hannibal.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Clarice Starling is living in a state of constant regret, if not depression. She is being harassed by the media and feeling inadequit when she gets a letter from Hannibal Lecture. Hannibal once was a therapist and in his letter he adress's her issues. He has her do excersises to help her feel better about herself. He minds her of what her parents actually did, and shows her that she has in no way failed them. Her mother cleaned houses and her father was a night shift officer, they were no where close to being as high ranked as her, a field agent in the FBI.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hannibal By Thomas Harris

I am now reading "Hannibal" by Thomas Harris. I am not very far in it, we haven't been introduced to Hannibal yet. So far in the story we have been following FBI agent Clarice Starling, she has just been on a drug bust and killed a woman (drug lord) who was holding a baby. The public is very upset, because of the pictures taken showing Agent Starling killing the woman holding her baby. The public is unaware of the words said or the other agents killed by the woman. The woman also shot before Agent Starling fired, she was hit in the ear.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mary, Mary

So far out of the past two books i have read by James Patterson there has been one common theme, revenge. In "The Big Bad Wolf" the revenge wasn't until the end when the actual Wolf killed all the men trying to turn him in. In "the Big Bad Wolf," there was also a husband who betrayed his wife. In "Mary, Mary" this also happens, is this because the author feels like he was betrayed in his past by his wife? Or maybe James Patterson feels that many relationships are derived from deceit and lies. This would explain the many twists and failed relationships.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mary, Mary

So I finished "Mary, Mary" by James Patterson, and like many of his other books the last few chapters are full of unexpected twists. Mary Smith, the author of the emails, has struck again. This time instead of killing a movie star 'she' kills the person she had been sending the emails to. The killer, The Storyteller as he calls himself, planned for this to be the end of his story. The killer is so addicted to the thrill of killing he is unable to stop, though he stops leaving his 'signature.' The woman going by the name Mary Smith had already been caught, and was believed to be the killer because of the evidence left behind.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mary, Mary

So my last post may have been wrong about the female killer. I don't know yet for sure but I'm pretty sure its a guy killing the actress's. Alex Cross thinks it is a guy also, though the rest of the police force doubt it. So far in the story there have been many killings, some unplanned by the Storyteller, as the killer calls himself. Another conflict occurring throughout the story is Alex's battle to keep custody of his son. Sadly enough he lost custody though now his son's mother wants to be with Alex even though she just took his son away. In my opinion this book is mostly about psychology and the human mind.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mary, Mary By James PAtterson

Mary, Mary is another book by James Patterson, it is also in the Alex Cross series. This one so far does not seem to be able to be twisted as badly as the last book in the series "The Big Bad Wolf." So far there have been about 6 murders, in the beginning though it seemed as if it was from the perspective of a man. Later it was shown that the killer was in fact a woman, unless its more than one killer. Out of the people killed 4 were random targets, 3 of them were killed because they walked in on the killings. The last two murders were planned out and thought through carefully, both of these murders were of famous people. Both of them were women, this may not be a pattern though. The Killer maybe after famous actors but the fact that the first two were women could be a coincidence. The other four in fact were all men, though only one was planned, but not thoroughly. So far its a pretty good book.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Big Bad Wolf

James Patterson is a very interesting author, he must enjoy twisting the story very much. Through out the story, their are constant twists. The latest twist is towards the end of the book, they captured the Wolf but then they find out he actually is not the wolf and gives them the name of the person from the Wolfs Den known as the Sphinx. The Sphinx is one of the captured womens husbands who was unhappy with their marriage. SO instead of getting a divource he sold his wife to be a slave to the man believed to be the Wolf.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Big Bad Wolf

So far the setting of The Big Bad Wolf has been in Virginia, Florida, and many other places in the U.S. While in Quantico it is usually from Alex Cross's point of view, the other locations it is often in the Wolfs point of view or many other characters who usually are related to the Wolf or the Whit Girl case in general. Alex Cross does not like working at Quantico, he thinks knowledge is better found while on the streets instead of in a dark cubical. He was a police officer so he is used to working in the streets more than working inside. He also dislikes that he is kept out of the circle while things are going down, he is often one of the last people to hear about what the FBI is going to do. This is very frustrating for him because he is one of the main researchers and is used to always being the center of focus for cases while working for the Police Department.

The Big Bad Wolf

So far in The Big Bad Wolf I have noticed a lot about James Patterson's writing style that is different from other authors I have read. He does not use very many descriptions of places or people, he rarely goes in to deep detail on physical looks. He also has very short chapters, like 1-3 pages as a maximum. So far the shorter the chapter the more intense it is, it seems like he uses these chapters as a way to keep the reader interested and always on edge because of the constant cliff hangers. He also uses the short chapters as a way to change the point of view from one character to another, they sometimes describe the same event.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Big Bad Wolf

So far in The Big Bad Wolf by James Patterson, there has been 3 kidnappings, 4 murders, and 100's of confused agents. There have been two women and one man kidnapped. One of the women was a supreme court judges wife. The other was a famous fashion designer. The male was not famous or anything special like the other two. The 2 people that had abducted these people were slowly becoming more sloppy trying to make the kidnappings more interesting. The problem with that is the Wolf does not like to look bad, since they are his team they are making him look bad. When he finds out he they are doing this intentionally, they were not kept alive long. Another of the murders committed by the Wolf was of an American mob boss/modern day Godfather. The final was committed by the man who had "ordered" the guy to be kidnapped. That was kinda weird...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Big Bad Wolf

The Big Bad Wolf is often from a first person point of view, switching from Alex Cross, to The Wolf, to many other people including victims of the kidnappings. The reader has a lot more information than the main character Alex Cross, because the reader sees who the Wolf is and where the women are being taken. The reader does not get very good descriptions of Alex Cross or the Wolf, there are few physical descriptions of any of the characters. The Wolf is a modern day God Father of the Red Mafia, he is a Russian killer involved in drugs, car theft, and the enslavement of women for prostitution. Nobody knows his true identity but he is rich and has many names. The Wolf fears nobody, he killed a mob leader in prison in front of guards and walked away untouched. Crazy.

The Big Bad Wolf: By James Patterson

In The Big Bad Wolf by James Patterson, Alex Cross is an ex cop trying to become an FBI agent. He was some what of a "Super Cop," people thought he had a gift for finding killers, he was so talented the FBI involved him in a case before he was even out of orientation/basic training. The cases code name was the "White Girl" case, white women were disappearing in broad day light often, though their were witnesses nobody could stop the couple. The women disappearing were likely being sold in foreign countries as prostitutes. It is up to Alex Cross and the FBI to stop these kidnappings and find the missing women.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Search

I finally finished the Search by Iris Johansen, and with no surprise John Logan and Sarah Patrick end up liking each other. It was obvious that one cannot spend every day with a person for almost a month with out not starting to like them or enjoy their company. The good thing about them getting so close was that Monty also found a companion, a Wolf. The wolf was injured so Sara and Monty took her in, Sara named it Maggie. The wolf was cold to Monty at first but towards the end she missed him when he left. This also shows that with time people/animals will learn to except each other if not love each other. I really enjoyed this book i recommend it to everybody who enjoys mysteries.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Search

So far in The Search, Rudzak has been revealed as the villain. He was the one who attack Logan's research facility and now he caused a mudslide that covered an entire village. Rudzak is committing these massacres as a way to get back at Logan. What for has not been entirly told, it has something to do with Logan putting Rudzak in jail and with the way Logan buried his wife when she passed away. It mattered to Rudzak because he was in love with her and Logan had pushed him away as she became sick. Rudzak plans to attack 8 more places at least because he finds that the deaths are funeral gifts to Chin Li.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Search

The setting of The Search by Iris Johansen has a big effect on the characters in the story. For the most part there are two settings, in the jungle and at home (on the ranch). While in the jungle the story is action packed and fast paced, while on the ranch it is slower and giving away plot points leading to the imminent danger. The characters react also to the setting, while in the jungle, Sara and Monty are scarred because of the obvious danger, but once home they become calm and relaxed.

The Search

In the search by Iris Johansen the main character Sara Patrick is capable of reading her dogs mind. She says in the book that its not reading his mind but just reading his reactions. I wonder if there really are people out their, maybe search and rescue, that can read their dogs minds. Obviously there are animal whisperers but i believe they just have a special connection with animals, not a telepathic connection. I believe that animal (dog) whisperers should join the search and rescue teams because of their ability to communicate with animals.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Search

So far in the story, Sarah Patrick and her golden retriever Monty have been introduced as one of the best K9 search and rescue units in the U.S. They have a confusing and improbable connection where she can read her dogs mind. Though he does no think in full sentences, more of just one word emotions. She has been black mailed into helping an old acquaintance(John Logan) with finding the sole survivor of a massacre at his research facility. The rest of the workers at the facility were killed and Bassette was captured. Another survivor was Castleton who later it turned out was a traitor who caused the attack. He was killed by John Logan, it was pretty cool.

The Search by Iris Johansen

The Search when i first picked it up did not seem like it would be a very good book. It seemed as if the plot was too childish, a woman who can read her dogs mind? Really? But i started reading it and it is a pretty good book it surprised me when this guy got killed for being a traitor, it was pretty b.a. So far the book seems like it will be very action packed seeing how now a thug/"problem Solver" has been introduced to the story.