Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Search

I finally finished the Search by Iris Johansen, and with no surprise John Logan and Sarah Patrick end up liking each other. It was obvious that one cannot spend every day with a person for almost a month with out not starting to like them or enjoy their company. The good thing about them getting so close was that Monty also found a companion, a Wolf. The wolf was injured so Sara and Monty took her in, Sara named it Maggie. The wolf was cold to Monty at first but towards the end she missed him when he left. This also shows that with time people/animals will learn to except each other if not love each other. I really enjoyed this book i recommend it to everybody who enjoys mysteries.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Search

So far in The Search, Rudzak has been revealed as the villain. He was the one who attack Logan's research facility and now he caused a mudslide that covered an entire village. Rudzak is committing these massacres as a way to get back at Logan. What for has not been entirly told, it has something to do with Logan putting Rudzak in jail and with the way Logan buried his wife when she passed away. It mattered to Rudzak because he was in love with her and Logan had pushed him away as she became sick. Rudzak plans to attack 8 more places at least because he finds that the deaths are funeral gifts to Chin Li.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Search

The setting of The Search by Iris Johansen has a big effect on the characters in the story. For the most part there are two settings, in the jungle and at home (on the ranch). While in the jungle the story is action packed and fast paced, while on the ranch it is slower and giving away plot points leading to the imminent danger. The characters react also to the setting, while in the jungle, Sara and Monty are scarred because of the obvious danger, but once home they become calm and relaxed.

The Search

In the search by Iris Johansen the main character Sara Patrick is capable of reading her dogs mind. She says in the book that its not reading his mind but just reading his reactions. I wonder if there really are people out their, maybe search and rescue, that can read their dogs minds. Obviously there are animal whisperers but i believe they just have a special connection with animals, not a telepathic connection. I believe that animal (dog) whisperers should join the search and rescue teams because of their ability to communicate with animals.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Search

So far in the story, Sarah Patrick and her golden retriever Monty have been introduced as one of the best K9 search and rescue units in the U.S. They have a confusing and improbable connection where she can read her dogs mind. Though he does no think in full sentences, more of just one word emotions. She has been black mailed into helping an old acquaintance(John Logan) with finding the sole survivor of a massacre at his research facility. The rest of the workers at the facility were killed and Bassette was captured. Another survivor was Castleton who later it turned out was a traitor who caused the attack. He was killed by John Logan, it was pretty cool.

The Search by Iris Johansen

The Search when i first picked it up did not seem like it would be a very good book. It seemed as if the plot was too childish, a woman who can read her dogs mind? Really? But i started reading it and it is a pretty good book it surprised me when this guy got killed for being a traitor, it was pretty b.a. So far the book seems like it will be very action packed seeing how now a thug/"problem Solver" has been introduced to the story.